Baby’s Teeth

How to Care for a Baby’s Teeth

Even though your baby doesn’t have to see a dentist until they are one – or their first tooth shows – an oral health care regime starts much sooner. If you aren’t sure how to care for your baby’s teeth properly, or you need a helping hand, then read on.

As soon as your baby is born and starts drinking milk, you should keep in the back of your mind how important those early years are for their oral health. After each feed, wipe the milk residue from their gums with a soft piece of gauze to keep them clean.

Once their teeth start to grow in, a regular brushing regime should begin. Even though your baby’s first set of teeth don’t hang around for very long, they lay the foundation for permanent teeth. Their baby teeth need to be healthy so their gums and adult teeth will be as well.

From age two, you can begin using toothpaste on your tot’s toothbrush. Include brushing into their regime in the morning and at night and encourage them to take control of the process. It also helps to pay attention to how their teeth look. If you notice any discolouration or pitting, then establish why that is. Putting your baby to bed with milk or juice can cause cavities, pitting, and discolouration.