
Honey: How to Use For Your Health & Beauty

Honey in the health scene is not a new phenomenon, and even in the realm of natural skin care and body care products, it’s not a fad, trend, or new player. Honey has been, for hundreds of years or more, a favourite natural and organic product for health. Here is what you can expect when you purchase gooey gold honey in a jar. The benefits for every area of your body may just surprise you.

For Skin

If you have “problem skin” that always seems to flare up and become itchy or irritated, then it might be time to step away from synthetic creams and try honey. Honey features a whole host of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, helping to clear up rashes, soothe irritations, fine lines and offer a beautiful summer glow. What’s more, it’s a far cheaper skin care product than what you’ll typically find from leading cream and lotion brands.

For Energy

If you struggle to find food to offer that much-needed energy boost for high-intensity training or activities, then reach for a jar of honey. Even by including a minuscule amount in homemade goods, you can benefit from a natural energy snack with plenty of amino acids, minerals, and proteins your body needs to function.